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Reine Noodle and Rayah Blanca

Many out there will despise what I am doing with this line, but without forking out thousands to import and having to convince the government why I need to import and then probably lose those imported rabbits to RCD, what choice do I have?

This is my himilayan project. This is my second time attempting this project as my first line was lost to RCD in 2020. but I honestly cannot wait to see what these two produce over the next few years.

Reine Noodle

Noodle is a second generation Californian x Standard Rex. I haven't figured out exactly what colour he is yet, as we've had a beautifully warm summer and he was born in the height of it. By the looks of it, he may be a havana (chocolate) point himilayan... time will tell as it is cooling down now. 


He's ready to go, but he has to wait for his young wifey to mature first.


Rayah Blanca

Blanca is a beautiful ermine rex from my black lines. She will definitely be a great asset to my himilayan project as she will improve the coat and typethroughout the generations.

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