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Writer's pictureKylie Fletcher

2024 - a new year, a new website, a new line.

Well, considering I almost gave up on rabbits altogether in April last year, I've made leaps n bounds to continue my journey. Introducing the new web-blog-site of Rayah Rabbitry, home to Rayah Rexes. I hope, despite its incomplete pages, you find it appealing and informative and keep coming back!

Now - on with the first blog!

I bet you're wondering why I opened with "I almost gave up on rabbits altogether in April last year?" Well, several factors.

The first of many hiccups along the road was moving out of Auckland and down to the fabulous region of Taranaki in December 2018. At first, I didn't think it was such a big deal, but it soon became a bit of a travelling to shows issue being on this pimple of a peninsula, far away from the hustle and bustle of the central north island. The cost of gas and accommodation expenses quickly made it difficult to get to shows.

Mt Taranaki - Home

Then in March 2020, when the country was shut down, locked down and prevented from doing life as we know it, for the next three years, it took its toll. It looked like clubs were breaking down and no one could be bothered. It was like a great grey cloud had settled over the souls of us all, sucking all the life and happiness out of us.

Not only that but during that initial lockdown, I was hit with my first ever round of RCD. I lost easily half of my adult stock in that first round. It was so bad, that I got my husband to help me dig a big hole, that we initially left open and we placed many carcasses in it before filling it in (apologies to anyone who finds that grave).

Then only months later, I was hit with a second wave of RCD, but a different strain that killed just about everything that was less than 20 weeks old! Whole litters of kits were wiped out. I was so devastated, I didn't breed again. I got rid of most stock I didn't have a use for and kept only Blackberry and a young doe, Satin. And by this stage, Blackberry was going on 6 years old, looking old and ragged for Rex. Seemed to be in constant moult and also shooting blanks. So, I retired him with Satin and just let them live together in rabbit harmony. Just two happy rabbits with a whole backyard to themselves.

Blackberry and Satin - Living their best life.

One cool mid-winter day, as I was doing my rounds, watering the garden, feeding the cats, etc. I popped my head into their hutch/nestbox to check their hay, water, pellets, etc. And low and behold! Kits. Three of them. I didn't even consider keeping them at the time, my mind was already mostly made up that I was going to quit rabbits. But I also didn't have the heart to get rid of them either, so they grew up in harmony together... 3 brothers.

Asterix, Ando and their broken black brother - tiny babies at 15 days old.

Months and months went by and I honestly thought, ok that was just a fluke and probably the last of Blackberry's able wrigglies. And then just before Christmas on a hot summer's day, I am doing the rounds again and I just see fluff everywhere! And I'm just like, "Oh really? Are you for real!?" and yup! There was a nest full of bouncing babies who weren't too keen on all the fluff Satin had gifted them.

Another surprise litter - 6 weeks old

These 8 bundles from an ageing buck were going to have to go, so all of a sudden I was looking for homes for bunnies. It was then that my friend, and mentor, Marty Bishop needed new blood, so she scooped up a few of these bucks, and Ando, in April 2023. She asked if I was going to go to the show the following weekend that was being held in the region. Unfortunately, it was also my son's birthday and I already had plans to celebrate that with him, so I declined.

It was only days later that Marty got in touch with me and sent a few pictures from the show to me and announced that Rayah Ando had won Champion Rabbit (this means he won over all the breed shows being held that day), Best in Show, and Best Rex, which were judged by Rose Sparrow.

Rayah Ando - NZ Flemish Giant Club all breeds and pet show - Hawera, New Zealand, 6th May 2023

I was absolutely gobsmacked! And Marty begged me, in her own, quiet way, to not quit. So I asked her for 3 unrelated blacks to restart my rabbitry again. Along came Westhaven Bentley, Cerise and Silk. This is my new line, my new stock, and the beginnings of a whole new Rayah line.

Bentley will continue my black line, with Blackberry's daughter, Arabelle.

I do have to warn you all though, despite my history and breeding good rabbits, I am basically starting over. My two main bucks from 2016 are gone now. I reduced my numbers right down to just 2 rabbits, so it's a whole new journey for me. But thanks to good friends who really appreciate the work I am putting in to preserve the breed and with their support, I know I can succeed!

I am particularly grateful for:

  • Marty Bishop, who has been a wonderful help and has sold me and gifted me beautiful rabbits in the past and present to keep my rabbitry full of good stock and good bloodlines.

  • Hannah Wilson is a new friend, but one I have come to adore and appreciate more than anything and thankfully she's within driving distance for a coffee and hours of rabbit chatter.

  • Natalie Thomson in the deep south, whom I have never met, but I love her texts and the photos she sends of her rabbits, she's an inspiration simply because she doesn't have the support down there and she's doing an exceptional job on her rexes.

  • Donna Handley is another woman staying strong and keeping on despite the hardships we've all had to face over the years. It's not easy breeding the perfect rabbit and sometimes it can be hard watching others succeed with your bloodlines when we're struggling ourselves.

  • And last, but definitely not least, another new friend, and new to rexes, Ashleigh Bowers. I pray your success is immense and I hope I can help. I can only hope I can help at this stage, because like I mentioned earlier, I do really feel like I am starting over, from the beginning. Your mini lops already look amazing, so I know you'll shine. Good luck out there, Ashleigh!

To all my friends and family who have supported me and are continuing to support me, thank you! Without you, I honestly would not be where I am today.


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